
Posts Tagged ‘goaupair host family blog’

Moose in yard in Anchorage, Alaska

Moose in yard in Anchorage, Alaska (Photo credit: Wikipedia, Public Domain)

The exquisite scenery of Alaska forms the backdrop for this cluster of cultural au pairs. Despite the short summers and the long, snowy winters these young adults lead an active, and obviously happy, lifestyle.

This GoAuPair blog site features a static front page with links above that lead to Au Pair Activities, comments from local au pairs, and a very nicely presented slideshow. The linked GoAuPair Host Family Blog is also worth checking out.

Alaska like Texas does things in a big way. The au pair activity for July was a two-day camping and rafting trip in the Matanuska Valley. The activity for September is a musical presentation.

The energy and abundant life in this cluster of au pairsdemonstrate why GoAuPair is a good choice

for your family’s childcare needs.

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